Thebrianstararan's head-quarters

You thought i just did that stuff ?

I also make sprite comics mainly pkmn but also MGS and LoZ

Marshmellow beats dragon

Red:I pick charizard Leaf:I pick jigglypuff Leaf: JIGGLY USE SING NOW *both red and charizard fell asleep* Leaf: earplugs works everytime
This was my first comic its a little rough around the edges but hey it WAS my first one

 Who need's a twix?

Need a moment? Pull out your ocarina for time pausing as long as you can blow
everytime you play the ocarina all of the NPCs enemys effects ECT. freeze so that gave me this idea  AND no the stalfous are not talking their gonna eat him but he thought quickly and pulled out his ocarina.

Design flaws

megaman: Its over magnet man  magnet man:BUT i stil have my MAGNET ATTACK AND YOUR A ROBOT Megaman:so are you idiot! MagnetMan:Too late for your lies prepare to be wiped of your memory Megaman:Its not a lie your just stupid Magnetman: WOAH who are you? better yet who am I?
What was Wily thinking?

Can you hear me now?

Mei ling? Campbell? Weasle Mcbride any one? what does it take to get reception here?!?!?!?!?
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